The return of the Scottish Bakers Awards saw many of our customers triumph in the product category awards as well as the winner of the Scottish Baker of the year, The Three Little Bakers.
“We are delighted that we are able to assist so many of the winning Scottish Bakers by supplying them with high quality equipment for their bakeries, big and small.,” Steve Merritt of EPP. “It is wonderful to see our customers achieve so much success at these awards, we are truly honoured to be associated with such well-run bakeries.
The equipment we supply is world leading, and we’re thrilled with the performance of the machinery we sell, the products they deliver and our customers successes. We hope to maintain our relationships and continue to meet with their needs.”
Category Winners to whom EPP has supplied bakery equipment:
Scottish Baker of the year. The Three Little Bakers
Baker café of the year… Fisher and Donaldson
Craft Baker of the year. The Three Little Bakers, & finalist Christie the Baker
Retail Craft Baker of the Year. Stephens Bakery, & finalists Ashers and S.M Baynes
Wholesale Baker of the year McGhees Bakery & finalist Fergusons Bakery
Customer choice winners
Retail craft baker…Finalists Goodfellow and Steven and S.M. Bayne
Product category winners
National Silver award, Goodfellow and Steven.
Best in region Gold, Goodfellow and Steven.
Best in region silver, G.H Barnett
Best in region Bronze, G.H Barnett, Fergusons Bakery.
Bread (Sourdough)
Regional Bronze award. The Three Little Bakers.
Bread (Yeasted)
National silver, J.G Ross.
Best in Region Gold, J.G Ross, &The Little Bakery
Regional silver, Christie the baker and Fisher and Donaldson.
Regional Bronze, Goodfellow and Steven.
Celebration cake….
National Bronze, Christie the Baker.
Free from cake and biscuit….
National bronze award, Fisher and Donaldson.
Individual cake…..
National Silver, Stephens Bakery.
National Bronze, Macleans Highland Bakery
Best in region gold, Stephens Bakery.
Best in region silver, Macleans highland Bakery, McGhees Bakery.
Morning roll.
National Gold award, S.M Baynes.
National silver award, The Three Little Baker.
National Bronze award, Ashers Bakery.
Best in region Gold, The Three little bakers, S.M Baynes.
Best in region silver, Ashers Bakery.
Best in region bronze, Ashers, McGhees, Stephens.
National Gold, Goodfellow and Steven.
National Silver, Macleans Highland Bakery.
Best in region Gold, Macleans Highland Bakery, Goodfellow and Steven.
Best in region silver, Stephens Bakery.
Best in region bronze, Ashers Bakery, S.M Baynes, Fisher and Donaldson.
National Silver, The Three Little bakers.
Regional silver, The Three Little Bakers.
Regional bronze, G.H Barnett.
Special awards….
Best Buttery Gold, Goodfellow and Steven.
Potato scone silver, The Three little bakers.
Viennoiserie Gold, Fisher and Donaldson.
Free from Bread Gold, Tower Bakery.