Control of temperature and humidity is critical to reliable production of baked products, whether that is during the proving cycle or when cooling and freezing. Wherever you want to be on the temperature range spectrum from -38 °C to +40 °C, we have a solution to meet your needs, all with active control of humidity.
We offer a wide range of fully automated retarder proofing units which actively control temperature and humidity to ensure process-precision; proofing, proofing retardation, fast cooling, proofing interruption or hardening in freely selectable time segments. Automated control gives you the option to achieve long-process dough proofing at low above-freezing temperatures, ideal for more aromatic products.
Whether it’s a flash freezer you need for perfect freezing of unpacked dough pieces, or a freezer for storing your products in for as long as possible, we have a solution to fit your needs.
With tailor made proofing chambers, adaptable to any space, with optimised air units and continuous, precise humidity and temperature control to ensure even air conditioning in the proofing chamber, we can provide your solution, no matter what size or shape the room is.
Naturally, all systems are network-capable, ready for remote monitoring.
An extensive range means EPP can offer a solution whatever your requirements: